Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pot v. Pills

     We've all experienced pain. After dealing with a headache for a few minutes, we can pop a few advil for relief within the hour. But what if your pain couldn't be controlled in just a few over the counter pills? What if you couldn't control yourself? In "Think Progress," there is a very interesting article about how Senator Elizabeth Warren tries to tackle the death and addiction rate of prescription pain killers by substituting marijuana. Warren, once opposed to the legalization of marijuana, now advocates for testing how pot can be used to help reduce pain killer addiction, which according to the article has a higher rate the higher the prescription rate go. Marijuana has been a controversial topic for quite some time. The drug, once classified class one drug, is now being researched for more and more opportunities to heal a variety of mental and physical issues. 

     The article, "Elizabeth Warren Urges CDC To Look At Pot As Potential Fix To Prescription Painkiller Epidemic," is an important read, because as the subject of marijuana legalization is going to effect all of our lives. When penicillin was first introduced, it had an even WORSE reputation than pot! After lots of testing, we came to understand that this was a life saving drug. What if people used marijuana for their pain instead of constipating, addicting, and harmful pain killers. What if pot could save lives? Why wouldn't we try?

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