Thursday, April 28, 2016

Stop the Hate!

     Ah, America. Remember when America meant dad coming home to his loving 2.5 children and perfectly submissive apron wearing wife after a long day of providing for his family? Remember dreaming of the perfect little blue house with the fresh cut green grass that travels all the way to the white picket fence? Remember the America when kids would join together in the neighborhood for a  game of baseball? Remember when America meant hot dogs and fire works and proud patriotic citizens holding hands and singing Auld Land Syne? Do you remember that America?Because I sure as hell don't.
     Sure, I didn't grow up when America was about all of these things, but I have grown up as part of the last generations that didn't grow up with an iPhone attracted to their faces. I still remember going outside to play, and going to summer camp without a cell phone, and being totally happy. Now, almost everyone in America has some sort of problem finding that true happiness that is what America thrived on not so long ago. I didn't grow up in the civil rights era, where the government didn't believe that black people and white people could drink out of the same water fountain. I have however been growing up in an America that has disgraced itself in showing love and support to each and every person. People are having the fight with their own government to use the bathroom that they feel comfortable in. A woman held up a sign at a protest this past week that read, "It wasn't about water fountains then, it's not about bathrooms now. Stop the hate." This struck me hard.
     People in America are so full of hate towards each other. Yes, there is love and good things that happen every day, but in the end, our government has failed us in a lot of ways. Take this election for example. When on world would a rational candidate make fun of people with disestablishes? In what world does it make sense that the government should tell people who they are allowed to love? In what world do we claim to be the best country, when we have so many failings and facts stating otherwise.
     The government was made to make Americans feel safe and protected, while upholding each and every person's rights. We don't live in that America. But the multiple issues that we have are not thanks to the government. They have nothing to do with the laws. The problem that we have going on here is a severe case of hate. It is in OUR power to stop hating each other, not the governments.

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