Thursday, March 10, 2016

A Little Hate Goes a Long Way

     Is it just me, or are people becoming used to racism? In the past few years, we have taken notice to movements such as "Black Lives Matter," "All Lives Matter," and states passing laws to allow equality in marriage. As a Jew, I know how the media can manipulate news. Media sources according to their beliefs will target one group as the bad group, and the other groups as innocent victims. What ISN'T shown is that both sides are hurting. We are living in a world literally torn by religion, race, and financial status.
     In the recent presidential race, an issue of Islamophobia has increased. According to an issue in Time, author Justin Worland explores instances where candidate Donald Drumpf (Trump) has been vocal about his hate towards Islam. He claims "I think Islam hates us. There is a tremendous hatred there. We have to get to the bottom of it.” Here is the problem- Trump is the one that is bringing up hatred. He has made fun of people from all walks of life, from Islam, to black people, even to people with special needs. He is a constant reminder of what hate is capable of and can produce.
      When asked about how he would ban all Muslims from "America the Great," he claims it would be hard to find out who the terrorists are. "It’s very hard to define,” he said. “Because you don’t know who’s who.” Forgetting that Muslims only take up 0.5% in shootings in America.
     Worland does a great job exposing Trump being his racist, sexist self. However, not too many people are up in arms. It is our job as HUMAN BEINGS to stand up to injustice. A poem by Martin Neimoller, is a great reflection that is important to remember.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
     It is our job to stop hate from becoming part of our nation's fabric. When we represent ourselves as a country of immigrants, we should be opeing our arms and hearts to those who are going through the same struggles that our ancestors endured. Now is the time to stand up to hate. If you're afraid of a Muslim, go talk to one. If you are afraid of a black person, go talk to one. People are people. There are good and bad in every group. Let's be the good.

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