Monday, March 28, 2016

Really Georgia?

     There are a lot of issues in this day and age. We are focused on the presidential election, legalization of marijuana, terrorism, gun rights, and so much more. It is easy to care about national issues because all Americans are linked to them. But what about when one (or more) states go completely off their rocker?
     In an article in Think Progress, Veto of Anti-LGBT Rights, Georgia legislature passed a bill to deny the LGBTQ+ community their rights and freedoms. Due to what I can only assume was a conjuring of evil "politicians" and "religious maniacs," same-sex couples can now be denied rights and services due to "Religious Liberty."
Okay, let's get something straight right now. In NO religion are we taught to hate. in EVERY religion, the core is based on the golden rule- do unto others as you wish to be done to you.
     In what Church or Temple does a religious leader ever turn someone away? These are people that study and pray on the basis of equality, love, and acceptance.
     This brings up the issue of separation of church and state. While the Mayor argues "our laws are given to us by God, not The Constitution," others have realized that there should be a clear separation. The Government is there to HELP people. Not turn them away based on their spirituality or sexual preference.
     While I have very negative things to say about the Mayor and the legislature of Georgia, I know that this does not represent every single person in that state. There are good and bad in every group.
It is ridiculous that people still exist that are so close minded and full of hate that they take others rights away.

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